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Messages - Madhatters

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Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: March 03, 2017, 09:52:27 pm »
Without really considering fairness/balance, Sheep abilities could be stuff like:

Give a farm + 100 health for 5 seconds.
Move at 5% increased move speed for 5 seconds then move 10% slower for 5 seconds or maybe move slower first then faster.
Redirect as an ability (cast on a farm to make nearby golems attack it)
Taunt (like a self-redirect, make all enemies attack you, to help bridge)
Make all farms in a small area invulnerable for a few seconds, but then they all die.

You could even have tech trees like you're talking about for shepherds (harassing/expanding/saving/bridging/monetary specializations).

Agreed with nmcdo on physics stuff.

But yeah, we are probably getting ahead of things, just getting a functioning game would be really nice.

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: March 03, 2017, 06:42:45 am »
For sheep I was thinking they would get some abilities that cost mana and that farms would still cost gold, just to separate currencies, so you didn't have to choose between using one or the other. I suppose you could have abilities with no cost and high cooldowns, then use mana for farms, but if you're going that route, it seems weird to have mana be the currency for building farms over gold.

For shepherds, I agree that you could probably replace all passives with tech trees, but I'd be concerned about how much time people would spend just looking at their options, and how often they would have to open a menu to tech into something. I was thinking something like max level of 5, and after every level up you get to choose one of 2-4 abilities, then leave passive items in the shops to be bought with gold. I'd also say that, in general, buying items is considered a positive part of games.

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: March 03, 2017, 05:45:31 am »
Check out http://www.epicwar.com/maps/262649/ . It's somewhere between revolution and what you described above. Consumables are pretty much entirely replaced by hero abilities, and shepherds choose from a few classes. Sheep leveling up was planned, but sheep tag was pretty much dead already. We had some pretty solid 2v4/3v5 games for a few weeks though.

If you don't feel like actually playing it, I described the changes a while back in http://sheeptag.createaforum.com/community-discussion/sheep-tag-relapse-1-0-0/msg5075/#msg5075

I think gold is probably still a good idea for building farms and buying passive items though.

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: March 03, 2017, 04:32:03 am »
I would agree that saving farms should be removed or preferably immediately removed upon finishing construction and turned into income (like st hiding/farm defense/relapse). Like you said Beer, the only way the current saving farm is useful is if you have a giant mass/no pressure, which I think is pretty much the opposite of what we want to see in games. The problem with completely removing them from the game is they are the only way sheep get better throughout the round, so we would need to add something like leveling up as the round goes on (I like the idea of this even with saving farms).

The two interval idea is basically the way it currently is except you turned the default gold interval and saving farm interval to be 6 seconds, instead of what they are now (1 and 4, maybe?). Really more of a balance issue I'd say.

I think the tokens would have a positive impact on the game, but they feel a little hacky/forced to me. Kinda hard to describe, but just getting this token every 30 farms doesn't feel like part of a real game, as much as being forced to do something. I guess it's better if you get +1 food every time you build a farm, and then can build a chicken farm or some **** for 30 food in addition to gold, but it still seems weird to have a currency that is only used for one thing. Maybe if frost farms/aura farms also had animals involved and cost food to build?

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: March 02, 2017, 04:37:55 am »
I'd say keep it simple with the stack farm and just have them stack as usual. Combining them seems like it would be weird with constructing/X/canceling and, while you shouldn't really be doing it in the first place, I think it would make stacking them kinda useless.

I think receiving gold upon killing the farm feels better/more satisfying, but pillage would be better in the type of situation where two shepherds are cutting together. Maybe award gold based on damage done when the farm dies, though I'm still a fan of giving equal gold to all shepherds when a farm is killed regardless of who damages it.

For day/night, if saving stays the way it is now, it might be interesting to have a short(15-60 seconds) night period where sheep spirits become invisible to shepherds making it easier to save, ideally encouraging sheep to push towards the middle in preparation and making saving easier. Or maybe make spirits only savable at night, but much easier to save (possibly instantly revived), that way a shepherd doesn't have to spend the entire game in the pen and there could be a lot of intensity trying to survive until the next night period. In general I'm a big fan of making a sheep death less catastrophic (especially when it's early in the round) and preventing spirits/shepherds from spending half the game basically AFK in the middle.

Agreed on no trading items and reducing the amount of typing as much as possible. If you're going with a portable shop, ideally all items would be purchasable from a quick shop type menu.

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: March 01, 2017, 05:40:11 am »
Dispersing gold on death automatically would be fine, but I don't like the idea of gold ever disappearing randomly because someone else used it or was saved... going for a hard farm/golem only to find out you don't have enough gold anymore would be pretty much the most frustrating way to die/miss a kill.

I'd suggest dispersing gold on death, then giving half the saving bonus to the saved sheep and half to the saving sheep.

You could also have separate gold pools, but make all gold generation even, so instead of giving the owner 10 gold every 4 seconds, saving farms would give all surviving sheep ~2 gold every 4 seconds and similar with killing farms/sheep for shepherds. That way everyone gets the same amount of gold, but no one can steal your share, and saving farms would even somewhat incentivize keeping other sheep alive/saving them. Would probably be a good idea to disable shepherd gold sharing with this system.

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: February 28, 2017, 12:34:56 am »
I think the icons would have to stay. Right click to move is obvious enough, but H for hold position probably wouldn't be, and attack is borderline as well. It would also feel like something was missing, for me at least, to not have an attack icon.

Community Discussion / Re: Sheep Tag Remake - Aesthetic
« on: February 27, 2017, 11:59:33 pm »
1. Should players be able to physically click build, and then farm?
2. Should button options for Attack/Move/Hold Position/Patrol be a thing?
3. Should patrol even be a thing?
4. Should shift building be allowed? Should it be instant?
5. Are we sticking to one set of build options? If so is there even a need for pressing B? Should just pressing F bring up a farm?
6. Should sheep be able to attack farms/save with a right click? Or should they require pressing A then left click. Or should they not be able to attack farms in general? Should all players farms be controlled as if it is a being shared as in they can destroy another sheeps farm by selecting it and press D.

1/5. I think it would be best to keep the build menu, unless you're removing at least a few farms, just to save hotkeys
2/3. I'd keep attack and hold position, probably drop move and patrol (or maybe make patrol only break  if a sheep comes within range, for golems).
4. Definitely keep shift for shepherds, but I was very much not a fan of instant shift build in SC2 (it made massing feel less like a game and more like a chore, not to mention faster/easier), so I'd say drop it or keep it slow.
6. Save with right click, but stick with A+left click for farms... right clicking a farm is pretty common to walk to it/change pathing and it'd be annoying to have to stop an attack, and I'd have to TK so many people if I could select their farms and destroy with D.

I agree with sticking with sheep tag 2.

I think it would be interesting to slow the game (movement speed, maybe turn rate) down a bit, maybe like 10-15%. It would hopefully be enough to reduce some luck, like jumping out of farms and just running, hoping shepherds can't click your sheep in time, and mass speed, making positioning/thinking ahead a bit more important, while still keeping the game reasonably fast paced. I'd also like to see some sort of progression, or at least increased gold options, for sheep.

Anyway, I think the real question on everyone's mind is: when is CTF coming?

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 13, 2016, 03:24:18 am »
The attack rate is fine, the animation delay is the problem. From your hero file:
Code: [Select]
"AttackAnimationPoint"       "0.6"       // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack.
//"AttackRange"                "150"       // Range within a target can be acquired.
"AttackAcquisitionRange"     "150"       // Range within a target can be acquired.
//"AttackRangeBuffer"          "74"        // Extra range the target can move without canceling the attack
I'm not sure why range/rangebuffer are commented out, but it seems like a shepherd can start an attack on a unit within 150 range, and takes .6 seconds from starting an attack to actually dealing damage. During this .6 seconds, the unit being attacked must stay within (150+74 = 224) range of the shepherd. Sheep move 360 * .6 = 216 range in .6 seconds, so if they are moving you are never going to hit them. The values in wc3 are:
Code: [Select]
"AttackAnimationPoint"       "0.3"       // Normalized time in animation cycle to attack.
//"AttackRange"                "32"       // Range within a target can be acquired.
"AttackAcquisitionRange"     "650"       // Range within a target can be acquired.
//"AttackRangeBuffer"          "192"        // Extra range the target can move without canceling the attack
AcquisitionRange in wc3 meant the range a unit would recognize an enemy and automatically attack them (if they weren't a worker or doing something already), not sure what it means here.

Frost farms didn't track in revo, they had 125 area splash damage on a point target (600 missile speed, 600 range).

Is it possible to have two attacks? One for sheep, one for buildings?

Images travel at 1000 speed, and I think the pseudocode is something like:
Code: [Select]
p = casting point
level = terrain level at p
p2 = p offset by 128 range 90 degrees from casting unit facing angle
level2 = terrain level at p2

perform some sort of BFS from p2 on cells to find the nearest point at which a shepherd sized unit can be placed,
ignoring all cells that aren't at terrain level <level2>, and breaking after cell distance from p is > some value
(maybe 1280ish).

p3 = the point returned by BFS, or p2 if no valid cell was found

if (level != level2)
   perform the same BFS, except from p3 and excluding cells not at terrain level <level>,
   the point found is the final destination or there is no valid destination.
   p3 = point returned by BFS or null if no valid destination
else if (p3 is not a valid cell) // The first BFS didn't find a valid cell
   p3 = null

If (p3 == null)
   put shepherd at the original spot (p), I guess. wc3 had some sort of image cannot be created error that might apply in this situation
  start the missile animation towards p3, constantly checking to make sure p3 is still a valid location, and BFSing from p3 to find a new valid location if it isn't.

repeat for the image (mark p3 as occupied in the image's code)

(Emphasis on pseudo, and should be double checked)

PS. I would argue for making the image always get sent to the nearest of the two final destinations so the real would always be the one traveling over farms/jumps/fences.

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:23:35 am »
Okay so we played around a bit. Found some noteworthy issues:

Wolf attack animation speed is way too slow. You can't kill a sheep that is running away from you, even if it's standing still when you start the attack.

Wolf range is way too high. You can swing on sheep well inside of their mass (not that you'll hit them ^^).

A lot of the items don't work (guessing you know this), and necklace of immunity causes wolves to miss 100% of their attacks.

A few things about mirror image: The ability animation is really slow, so using it to jump farms for a kill would be basically impossible. A couple of times the ability resulted in the shepherd/its illusion being stuck between farms. Images are kinda hard to tell apart from the real unit. Using image at the bottom of the map while facing down caused my image to go on for a really long distance before eventually (like 10 seconds) just teleporting me back to the same spot, though this may have been because i was surround by some farms at the time. The ability can also travel over hills.

Frost farm missiles can't be dodged, making it seem overpowered. I'd also like to see some sort of construction animation if possible.

Sheep speed is pretty low (360 vs I think 380 of revo), very noticeable when runtagging.

When building a farm, the sheep sometimes seems to teleport the last little bit to the farm, might just be a visual thing, but it looks choppy and sometimes the sheep still stays pretty far away. Hard farms and wide farms can be built from very far away.

008 disconnected during the start of one game and then reconnected after I spawned as wolf, but wasn't allowed to play and the round didn't end, so we had to restart the game (a -cancel or -restart within the first minute or so would be nice).

It's really hard, for me at least, to see where you can build/walk near the edge of terrain (especially since the buildings don't always turn red when they can't be built). And you can jump down/up levels of terrain really easily (not necessarily a bad thing).

Sometimes an attack command on a standstill sheep caused the wolf to run back and forth in the same area indefinitely.

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 11, 2016, 08:26:20 am »
I was looking to fix the not having to come out of the mass to build part (when I said building from corners, I was referring to "I could make it smaller but it makes the new sheep position wrong when you build it from a corner"), like you said, building over corners isn't a big deal.


Thinking about it now, wc3 actually bounces your sheep if you build from the corners (easy to see on hard farms), so it might be best to just lower the cast range like you were saying/did.

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 11, 2016, 07:13:15 am »
I took a look at the code you're using to build, and it looks like it'd be pretty easy to fix the range issue with building from corners... you just need to check distance from any part of the farm (rectangle/square) instead of distance from the center of the farm (point).

So the code in buildinghelper.lua should be changed from:

Code: [Select]
builder.state = "moving_to_build"

local distance = (location - builder:GetAbsOrigin()):Length2D()
if distance > castRange then
    return 0.03

to something like:

Code: [Select]
builder.state = "moving_to_build

local pos = builder:GetAbsOrigin() //Some sort of point object?
local x = max(location.x - castRange - pos.x, 0, pos.x - (location.x + castRange))
local y = max(location.y - castRange - pos.y, 0, pos.y - (location.y + castRange))
local distance = sqrt(x*x + y*y) //The distance from the builder to any part of the farm

if distance > [Some constant value] then
    return 0.03

The castRange variable would need to be half the length of whatever type of farm being constructed so that the (location.x/y +- castRange) gives the min/max x/y of the farm being built. I got the distance from point to rectangle formula from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5254838/calculating-distance-between-a-point-and-a-rectangular-box-nearest-point if you're interested.

Never used this language so I don't know the syntax and all, but it should work (also possible I have no idea what I'm doing and am not even in the right section of code).

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 11, 2016, 05:10:19 am »
I'd much prefer being able to build on the place the stack farm was placed even if you shouldn't be able to than not being able to build in unknown places.

That being said, can you force all farms within X range of a killed/removed stack farm to be repathed? or even just replace them with a new farm? Not the best solution, but better than the other two options. Or maybe just remove the stack farm entirely... it isn't a huge deal to not have it and was even removed from revo for a while.

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 11, 2016, 04:32:38 am »
The problem is a sheep can build a farm like that without ever being vulnerable to attack. This would make it extremely difficult for a shepherd to prevent a sheep from escaping isolation.

Community Discussion / Re: Dota 2 Custom gaming
« on: January 11, 2016, 01:45:29 am »

http://imgur.com/JPlgCU8 (Image isn't working for me)

In the first part, I built the two farms that touch at their top right/bottom left corners, then was able to build the third over them.

In the second, I was able to build the farm not in grid from the position the sheep is in, where the shepherds shouldn't be able to reach it.

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January 11, 2022, 12:39:49 am FaceOfMelinda: The latest Sheep Tag Rankings (2021/2022): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ACV84GNVag&ab_channel=MythSociety

September 23, 2020, 06:00:39 pm glow: I can't get back on the discord! Someone send me an invite link please!

September 23, 2020, 05:42:58 pm glow: Anyone play wc3 anymore?

December 01, 2019, 03:32:00 pm GothaWOLF: hihooo

November 23, 2019, 04:48:49 pm XXXandBEER456: We're all on Discord now: http://tiny.cc/sheeptag

July 17, 2018, 07:09:50 pm Wyvernrider: woof

June 19, 2018, 08:55:32 pm Celestial_One: Wow honestly feels really nice, let me know when you need a beta tester. I was giggling at my nostalgia the whole time. It's super cute.

June 19, 2018, 06:58:28 am XXXandBEEER: Here's a demo cele: http://lunawolfstudios.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sheep-Tag-2-Example-Test.zip

May 30, 2018, 03:35:19 pm Celestial_One: BEER how is sheeptag 2 coming along

May 13, 2018, 06:56:50 pm drewisfat: I am undefeated in STWCs where Sheepgod isn't on my team :)

May 04, 2018, 09:50:54 pm Celestial_One: anyone remember that time when mike died to an afk wolf in a STWC?

May 04, 2018, 05:15:55 am Alph4bet: Cele, Drew sold you to oSa ages ago. All know this.

May 04, 2018, 01:56:28 am Celestial_One: no ye it's cool not like I'm a part of StH or anything

April 23, 2018, 08:03:09 am SHEePYTaGGeRNeP: join the discord via www.Sheeptag2.com because that's where we communicate

April 22, 2018, 08:27:23 am Exa: Hello. The congregation of the northern star and pastor E.Larsen decided to rule against Sidey in the comissionary court. I call upon ALL believers of the one true God to fight against Sidey! Indeed, like most of you believed for years he has been under the control of the dark lord. I guess that explains why he ruined the community 6 times? Over and out!!

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